Our Classroom

1 in 68 children are identified with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) according to estimates from CDC’s Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) Network. Autism is the fastest-growing developmental disability. We know children in our families, in our schools in our neighborhoods that are said to be on the spectrum, but do we really know autism? Autism is a spectrum disorder that is characterized by social impairments, communication difficulties and restricted, repetitive, and stereotyped patterns of behavior. We need to come together as a community (home, school and neighborhoods) to educate our students and selves about ASD. We need to empower families and persons living with ASD with the knowledge and tools to create a bridge between home and schools and helping our children with ASD achieve their goals.

C.R.E.A.T.E.  is an acronym for:

  • Communication- to communicate wants, needs and ideas.
  • Regulation- to regulate their emotional states and understand how they connect with others.
  • Environment- to provide an educational environment that meets the sensory,needs to promote achievement.
  • Acceptance- to work with the community both in and out of school to understand autism.
  • Technology- to integrate technology to help communicate, regulate and learn.
  • Education- to help each child maximize their potential.

Our program is designed to meet the needs of students with a diagnosis of autism in a public school setting. We are promoting the success of our students and the understanding and acceptance in our community. Through this relationship our goals are to promote citizenship and active participation in all aspects of our community living.

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