
Determining the Educational Program

There are many approaches to meeting the needs of students with a diagnosis of autism. It is important to establish a team of professionals to evaluate, plan and prepare to meet each student’s needs. Children with a diagnosis have similar characteristics of needs in the areas of communication, socialization and regulation however each child is unique and should have a program designed around their individual needs.

Where do we begin?

The planning of a child’s educational program begins with a committee on special educations or CSE meeting. This meeting consist of all of the therapist and teachers who work with the child in addition to the family, advocates and a CSE chair who is well versed on the laws and regulations associated with the educational programming. During the CSE meeting the professionals come together to discuss assessments, progress and concerns of the child with the families and school. The committee will determine the educational programming of the child and develop a working document called the individualized education plan or IEP. This is a working document because at anytime the family is not satisfied with the progress or placement of the child, the parents have the right to reconvene the CSE to discuss concerns.

What are the options?

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA0, mandates that students with a diagnosis of autism have access to an IEP specific to their needs. Every child is entitled to be placed in the least restrictive educational environment.


In determining a students least restrictive environment several there are several things to consider:

  1. Individual Needs
  2. Curriculum Demands
  3. Instructional Setting

Once a place is determined other factors such as physical access, instructional supports, social/behavioral supports and collaboration with therapist, teacher and paraprofessionals needs to be determined.

Once the CSE team has met and agreed on the placement and programming of the student the IEP will be finalized for the team, and everyone at the meeting will receive a copy of the IEP document. This document can be amended at any time and is a legal land binding document that describes the student’s educational programming and why the student is receiving the services.









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